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Antique Rugs

A question that frequently arises when people consider purchasing a rug is whether to buy an antique rug or a new one. Design preference immediately becomes a factor since antique carpets are generally available only in traditional styles.

Even if you prefer the tradtional look, your choice will necessarily be limited to a much narrower variety of colors and designs than what is available in current production.

Usage is another crucial factor in determining whether an antique is for you. Do you have an appropriate place in your home to display a beautiful but somewhat fragile artifact? A bedroom might be a good location, but probably not an entrance hall. Lastly, do you know what you are buying? Do you personally have the expertise to identify a fine antique and determine its value? Do you know someone who does? These are simple but serious issues you will want to address before considering the purchase of an antique rug.

On the other hand, when you decide to buy a new rug, your choice of style, color, and fabrication is virtually unlimited. Moreover, you can select the construction best suited to the traffic level in any given area of your home. Finally, you can rely on fairly standardized pricing among reputable retailers for the particular type of rug you select.
If you prefer contemporary design, today's market offers you a wealth of high fashion options. From Nourison, you can choose the sophisticated abstract looks of the GuggenheimModern Collection, the striking faux skin motifs of the Radiance Collection, or the dramatically stylized North African influences of the Kalahari Collection, to name but a few.

As for more traditional tastes, Nourison offers more than thirty collections that feature historic designs from China and the Middle East. Many of these have been recreated in updated color palettes that give a fresh and distinctive accent to designs that have been revered as classics for hundreds of years. From the exquisitely detailed Persian motifs of the Nourison 2000 Collection to the regal elegance of the Sixteenth Century Collection to the richly authentic documentary appeal of the Nourmak Collection, these rugs can truly be described as "tomorrow's heirlooms."

From: http://www.nourison.com/NU/1history.asp